Revolutionizing Autonomous Checkout with AiFi and PayPal’s In-Person Payments solution

AiFi is a leading technology company that specializes in autonomous retail solutions. They help businesses understand how people and objects interact in a space to deliver impactful industry solutions.

We spoke with AiFi to better understand how PayPal’s In-Person payments, combined with AiFi’s hardware and spatial AI technology has transformed the checkout experience for multiple concession stands within one stadium.

Success metrics

  • 74 seconds - average shopper wait time.3
  • 23% returning customers.3

The opportunity

Concession stands in stadiums drive crucial revenue. 2022 data shows that some venues generated up to $2 million per game in food and beverage sales.1 However, this revenue stream could often be larger. Long wait times and slow service lead to lost sales and diminished customer satisfaction.

2021 research from Oracle showed:

  • The average spend per game on food and beverages was $47.31.2
  • On average, in 2021, fans would have spent an additional $19.67 for food and beverages if wait times were cut in half, representing a 41.57% increase in typical expenditure (per party, per game).2

These statistics revealed an opportunity to improve efficiency in stadium concessions and drive greater customer satisfaction and revenue. AiFi and PayPal Braintree collaborated to address this exact opportunity.

The solution

AiFi developed an autonomous retail solution that eliminates the need for traditional checkout processes. AiFi leverages spatial AI technology and PayPal’s In-Person Payments to offer a seamless, checkout-free experience. Customers select their items and leave the concession stand without waiting in long lines. Transactions automatically process through the integrated system.

This autonomous checkout innovation aligns with growing consumer demand for low friction checkout. With the integration of PayPal’s In-Person Payments, AiFi’s technology ensures secure and accurate transactions, reduces friction and enhances the overall customer experience.

The impact

AiFi and PayPal’s technology and collaboration drove significant benefits to the customer and stadium experience. These include increases in revenue and customer satisfaction as well as reduced wait times. Average wait time dropped from minutes to seconds, total orders surpassed 32,000, and the number of return shoppers averaged 23%.3

AiFi’s stadium concession technology delivers significant benefits by reducing wait times, increasing revenue, and providing the convenience fans want. Together with PayPal, they are transforming traditional concession models, offering a glimpse into the future of stadium concessions and more.

AiFi Case Study (PDF)

AiFi Case Study (PDF)

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