How do savable offers work?

Earn PayPal Rewards through offers found on the PayPal app and It’s one of the most popular deals we offer.

Save any offers that you want to your PayPal account - there’s no limit to how many you can save.

Save offers to your PayPal Wallet by clicking Save on each offer. Shop now through the app or on the store app within 7 days. Check out with PayPal to automatically apply the saved offer to your purchase. Most offers can be re-saved immediately after use and can be used an unlimited amount of times.

The details page will let you know about any restrictions on the offer or where it can be used.

Once you’ve saved an offer, go shopping at the store associated with it, purchase eligible items, and pay with PayPal to earn PayPal Rewards points. Earned points can be redeemed for cash back. You can also choose to use your points at checkout, donate them, add them to your PayPal Savings, or add them to a shopping credit.

Do they expire?

Yes, availability may be limited, so some offers could end before the expiration date. To see when an offer expires, tap the offer to open the details. 

You have 7 days to shop with your saved offer before it expires. However, even if your offer has expired, you can save it again and reuse it as long as it’s still available. To see when an offer expires, tap the offer to open the details. Important information, including expiration dates, is under “Cash back details.”

Offer availability may be limited depending on merchant funding, so there’s a chance some offers could end before the expiration date. Check your Saved offers to confirm.

Where do I find my saved offers? 

Once you save an offer, it’ll be added to your PayPal Wallet. All of your active saved offers appear in the Offers tab, the homepage of the PayPal app, or on

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